Total Health, LLC

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In addition to keeping your employees healthy, on the job, and productive, we really can substantially cut your healthcare costs!

Keep in mind that our plan covers employees and their dependants. The numbers below are real performance numbers of one of our clients on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with approximately 1,000 employees.

The scenarios and numbers below may not exactly reflect your situation and costs but should give you a good idea of the savings you could realize.   AND... remember that regardless of the type of clinic you opt for, you will have access to at least
15 Memorial Hospital Walk-In Clinics at no extra charge!   It's all part of the unrivaled Total Health Advantage Network!

The above numbers should not be construed as a quote or guarantee of costs or pricing. Every client is different in needs and many factors are considered in pricing Total Health's services. Contact us now for an individualized quote to meet your requirements.

Total Health, LLC

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